Such a busy day. At home and downtown. I had an appointment at Group Health for an MRI. It wasn't too bad but you have to lie flat on the platform and my back didn't like that at all. Jon took us across the street to Whole Foods for dinner and that made the evening a bit easier. We are in the grips of the hottest summer I can remember. Near 90 today and again tomorrow. I think this is a record for the greater Puget Sound area. Our tomatoes love it but I can't say the same for us.
These cherry tomatoes are ready each morning. Our one plant on the deck has produced close to sixty by now and there are many more not quite ripe yet.
Tiny loves to run out in the mornings and hide behind the plant and watch the neighborhood.
Many more pictures were taken and so I have managed to stay with the Week in the Life thus far this year. More tomorrow.
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